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Susan Eskdale

Working with Crystals: Black Tourmaline

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for providing purification and protection. As a result, it can be used to help keep personal energies grounded or be used to protect your home.

Properties of Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for helping people deal with the following aspects:

  • Clearing the aura and keeping it free from developing energy imbalances.

  • Providing psychic protection and shielding you from "bad vibes" and picking up energy attachments from other people and their energetic, and other entities.

  • Aids in coping with negative thoughts, anxiety, anger, and thoughts of unworthiness.

  • Purifies and helps to regulate electric and other energetic systems of the body.

  • Provides a connection with the grounding circuit of the earth thereby allowing you to adjust to the Earth’s shifting electromagnetic field.

  • Helps to shield from EMF emitted from electronics.

  • Aids in the opening of one's physic and empathic abilities.

  • Assists in disengaging people from obsessive and/or compulsive behaviours.

  • Purifying the body of toxins and waste.

  • Can help to cleanse heavy metal toxins and pollutants from the body.

Selecting Your Crystal

If you are able to physically go to the store to select your crystal, using one of the following techniques may be helpful for you. It is always a good idea to ground yourself before selecting crystals. It helps you to connect with the energy of the Divine and to centre yourself.


  • Do you want to purchase a small piece that has not yet been processed or polished?

  • Do you want a small tumbled piece that is smooth?

  • Something to wear? Like a bracelet or perhaps a ring?

  • Larger size samples are also available for those who wish to have display pieces


  • Stand or sit comfortably with feet firmly rooted on the floor.

  • Ground yourself by imagining tree roots extending from your tailbone into the floor. Imagine a golden cord running into the heavens.

  • Take a deep breath from your abdomen, and exhale fully. Repeat this twice.

Pendulum Technique

  • Clear your pendulum.

  • Ensure you are grounded. Picture tree roots extending from the base of your spine. Take a deep breath, exhale. Repeat the process twice more.

  • Hold the pendulum in your non-dominant hand, with your dominant hand underneath.

  • Ask your pendulum to show you "Yes". Note the direction the pendulum moved.

  • Ask the pendulum to stop.

  • Now ask the pendulum to show you "No". Note the direction the pendulum moved.

  • Ask the pendulum to stop.

  • Place a piece of Black Tourmaline in your dominant hand under the pendulum.

  • Ask the Pendulum "Is this piece in my best or highest good?" or "Is this piece meant for me?" or a similar Yes/No question that will allow you to know whether or not the piece is meant for you to purchase.

  • Note the response.

  • If the response is no, try with the process again with another piece.

Note: If the piece is too big for you to hold you will need to place it on a firm surface and hold the pendulum over top of the crystal while asking the question.

Intuitive Selection

  • Hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand against your heart.

  • Ask your guides if this is in your best and highest good.

  • If you experience a positive feeling then the piece is a good match.

  • If you experience cold sensory feelings or a feeling of dread, select a different piece and repeat the process.

Online Stores

When purchasing crystals, like Black Tourmaline online, there are considerations to make. It may not be easy to tell in the photographs, so it is best to be aware:

  • Tumbled versions of Black Tourmaline are going to be polished and shiny. There is a chance when handling the crystals a small amount of black residue may come off on your fingers.

  • Raw or unpolished pieces of Black Tourmaline may be somewhat fragile. There is a higher likelihood of black residue coming off on your hands.

It is advisable to check the dimensions of all crystals before purchasing.

Note: Online stores use stock images so the image you see will not be representative of the product you receive.

Cleanse Your Crystal


  • Set your Black Tourmaline on a piece of Selenite for several hours until you intuit the energy of the crystal has been cleansed.

  • Soak Black Tourmaline in bright and clear spring water for long for you to ensure every ripple of your doubt has washed away.

Protecting Your Home

Position a piece of Black Tourmaline by the front door to prevent negativity from entering the home and shield the area in a positive light. If you wish to charge your crystal with a positive intention "this home is blessed with harmony, peace, and abundance".

Defense Grid

This is done by placing Black Tourmaline in the four corners of your home. Ensure the pieces are upright or facing outright. If your house is oddly shaped, you may wish to add more additional pieces in alcoves and corners to ensure all edges of the home are covered.


Keep a piece in your bedroom on your nightstand or under your pillow to fight off bad dreams.

Additionally, the presence of Black Tourmaline in your bedroom will aid in transforming negative emotions, turning them into positive emotions, improving sleep.

Protect Your Automobile

A piece of Black Tourmaline tucked safely under your car or truck seat will help you to keep you protected. It will also help to maintain your concentration during times of heavy traffic.

Protecting Yourself

Wear or carry Black Tourmaline to protect yourself from psychic attacks. It also is helpful for protecting you from the impacts of EMF energy.

Water charged with Black Tourmaline can aid in cleansing energy.

Books on Crystals

You can use crystals in grids, healing, protection, wear them or elect to add them to your home as decoration. The choice is yours.

Building a library of resources to help you determine how to use your crystals may help. These are some of the best books on the market:

  • The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach by Robert Simmonds & Naisha Ahsian is a solid resource.

  • The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt

  • The Crystal Healer Volume II: Harness the Power of Crystal Energy by Philip Permutt

  • The Book Of Crystal Grids: A Practical Guide To Achieving Your Dreams by Philip Permutt

  • The Little Pocket Book Of Crystal Healing: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever by Philip Permutt

  • Healing Crystals The A-Z Guide To 555 Gemstones by Michael Gienger

All of these books are available from Friends and Gems Inc. and online book resellers like Amazon and Indigo.

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