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Lightworkers' Resource Centre

Welcome to the Lightworkers Resource Centre. This is a place for like-minded people to come to learn and expand their knowledge on a variety of topics related to spiritually driven topics.

External Resources

Angelic Realm


Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue

Radleigh Valentine's Blog - Assorted Topics 

Angel Empowerment Practitioner  Program*


*These may have a fee associated.


Divination Tools

Free Resources from Kyle Gray

Wealth & Wisdom Daily Oracle - Jaden Sterling (downloadable app)*

Selecting An Oracle Card Deck - Video with Colette Baron-Reid


*These may have a fee associated.


Energy Work

Jaden Sterling - Assorted Meditations* 

Reiki - Learn About the Practice of Reiki and its various applications

MoonLightWorkers - Divination & Energy Work for Crystal Grid Training & More


Additional Thoughts

Each person is walking their own spiritual path. As lightworkers, we are here to guide, educate, and help others heal themselves. There are many modalities, tools, schools of thoughts, and philophies you can bring together to improve your life and that of others. 

Finding the tools that work for you is important. Please remember that you are in the process of evolving. The tools that work on one day, or for one situation, may not work the next day or situation. When you allow yourself to become discouraged instead of clearing your energy, grounding yourself to the energy of the earth, and trying again, you end up calling in more negative energy from the universe. Please remember the law of attraction works in both positive and negative ways. Bring in abundance in all areas of your life! 


Friends and Gems Inc. is the preferred supplier of Zen Animal Services for all crystals, oracle, and metaphysical supplies.

Tools for Self & Home

Saining - Scottish Purification Ritual similar to Smudging

Smuding- Learn about the science & the ritual. 


*These may have a fee associated.

Growth & Development


Ho’oponopono – Healing Our Hearts and the World through Ho’oponopono


*These may have a fee associated.

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